12 Things I Love about my Father, Greg Villanueva

1.  Work Smart, not work hard.  Long before the age of the internet and memes, my father gave me this advise and it often echoes in my mind whenever faced with tasks...may it be chores, assignments, or work, I have always applied this especially when I'm feeling overwhelmed.  Working smart isn't about outwitting or taking advantage of a situation or others.  It's about being thoughtful and strategic in doing the things that need to get done.  It relates to me being OC-OC and organized, having me formulate a process in my mind even before lifting a finger.  It's the efficient use of energy and time.  From cleaning the house, cooking, doing errands, crafts, making products, shopping, loading the car, to designing spaces and a whole lot more, this has truly helped me in doing all these things with ease.         
2. Travel.  Ever since I was a kid, our family would often be out on weekends.  May it be a simple movie-dinner at Quad, short trip to Laguna, or a week long getaway in Boracay, we always went somewhere.  This has taught me to appreciate travel and explore new things early on.  It also wasn't enough to get to a destination, check-in the hotel and laze by the beach/amenities.  We'd stop at interesting sites, check the market scene, or test restaurants in the area.  We'd draft our own itinerary and make it a point to see EVERYTHING.  Armed with a map and stories from people we know, we'd go about exploring each destination ourselves.  I truly appreciate and practice this till now.  Even though there are a lot of reviews and posts online, wouldn't it be nice to experience things yourself?                       
3.  Photo documenting.  My dad has been our official "photographer" ever since.  After posing and complaining about the scorching heat of the sun one time, my dad said, "we are making memories here".  It  was after that incident that I started appreciating his efforts of taking so much photos.  Aside from having a huge collection of happy moments stored in my memory bank (head), we can also breeze through physical albums storing photos of important events and almost all our trips. :)
4.  He truly believes in me.  I was never on the honor roll or top10.  Never did I go up the stage more than once during graduation.  I remember papa telling me how he wished he experienced going up the stage and hanging a medal on me like other parents.  I also remember 2 This or Bust situations.  It was on my way to high school and on my way to college.  I transferred to SSC Manila for high school and applied to UP for college.  Both times I only applied to one school.  Both times I was competing with hundreds or even thousands of other applicants that had much higher grades than me.  Of course I was super nervous while waiting for the results after seeing my past (academically excellent) schoolmates vie for the same spot!  Good thing I passed, whew!  It was only then did I gain confidence and realize how much my parents believed so much in me.  They had high expectations because they knew how capable I was of achieving those things.               
5.  Just right, not spoiled.  I only realized later on in life that "spoiled" is such a relative term.  I was shocked to know that some of my relatives thought I was spoiled because I didn't work to pay for my own college tuition.  So, based on MY definition of the term, I wasn't spoiled, not at all.  I was given just the right amount of everything to prepare me for the "real world" through being exposed to different kinds of people, the best schools, culture, destinations, etc.  Having been given just the right amount opened my eyes to the possibilities and had me motivated and hungry to achieve so much more.
6.  Family first.  I spent so much quality time with my family because papa put our family first.  New movie?  Restaurant? Vacation spot?  Activity?  We're there!  Instead of going out with friends and getting hooked on a hobby, he chose to spend his days off with us even if it just meant staying home, renting VHS tapes and ordering pizza.        
Papa with baby me

Papa with my son
7.  Young.  My parents had me when they were still very young.  I'm so happy to have such young parents because they have so much energy and are more open to new things!  There were times when they're even more active and adventurous than me.  If papa weren't young and healthy, how could he carry me on his shoulder when I was a kid?  How could he pick up me from parties when I was a teen?  How could he carry my heavy bags whenever we're on vacay?  How could he play and spend time with my son?  And how can he be reading this on the internet right now?  There are just sooooo many things that could have gone differently if they were older, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Doing 10 somersaults in a row, I barely did 1!

8.  Strict.  I am thankful that papa was strict.  If not, I don't know where or what I'd be right now.  I've been such a headaaaaache to them that I really dreaded having a daughter of my own.  Having limits has taught me to be very resourceful and creative...to those who know me, these talents do not only pertain to all those kalokohans in my early years ha (hahahaha!).  But  seriously, after reading some books, I think this is one main ingredient that separates the so-called street-smarts from the bookish ;)      
9.  Never tired.  Papa goes to work 5 (or more) days a week but still has enough energy to go out with us during the weekend.  On trips, he'd drive to and from the destination and join in the activities.  Come Monday, he'll go to work again.  Like OMG!  I can't imagine doing that over and over and over again.  Never did he complain that he's too tired to drive or go to work, and he's been working since I was one!  That's what I know because I saw his first pay check dated on my first birthday.  I often feel tired after a trip that I'd want a couple more days to recuperate, even when I was in my 20s!
10.  Silent type.  I love that papa is not a nagger.  I think I got this from him...not really a fan of small talk, speaks when it matters, not wanting to be redundant.  I'd take few thoughtful words over verbal diarrhea any day.
11.  Has a sense of humor.  Where do I begin?  I like playing pranks, teasing, exchanging smart quips, and making jokes.  Papa likes startling and scaring me while I play some practical jokes on him.  The best one so far consisted of a loud fart, Virgin Beach resort, and the people staying beside our room...and that's all I'll be sharing about that.  Haha!  There are a dozen inside jokes we have and so much fun and funny moments that I truly believe (and will keep on saying) that laughter is the best medicine and it doesn't hurt to let loose and not take things (or yourself) too seriously ;)  
12.  Always there for me.  Papa has always been there for me every step of the way.  There was never a time that he was away or unavailable.  On top of this, he's always been there especially when I needed him the most.  It wasn't just the presence, but the wise words, support, love, and strength.  Yes I've gone through breakups, chemo, and losing a child.  Yes those were sad and painful.  And knowing my parents, it probably hurt them 10 times more than it hurt me.  For this and everything else my parents are and have done for me, I am very thankful.  And so I wish my papa a very happy 61st Birthday!  I wish you more more more more birthdays to come because I clearly can't live my life without you!


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