12 Things I Love About the Best High School in Manila, St. Scholastica's College


1. Architecture.  Unlike other newly constructed schools, SSC displays a rich architectural background.  From the St. Cecilia's Hall, Romanesque School Chapel, to the various courtyards and gardens, it truly is a feast for the senses.  The atmosphere brings in a certain feeling of warmth, serenity and peace.  Truly inspiring for the more artistic Scholasticans. 
Photo taken from http://ssc.edu.ph/facilities-and-student-services/facilities/
Photo taken from http://ssc.edu.ph/facilities-and-student-services/facilities/ 
Photo taken from http://ssc.edu.ph/facilities-and-student-services/facilities/
2. Field.  As you can see, I'm such a fan of big open spaces.  I loved that, in spite of all the ruckus outside, the SSC campus has a big field in the middle where we used to hang out after class.  Back in the day, when not all rooms were air conditioned, it was such a joy to have proper ventilation and that view outside most of our classroom windows.
Photo taken from http://ssc.edu.ph/facilities-and-student-services/facilities/
3. Activities.  There was never a dull moment in high school.  I never got bored because aside from the usual classes, we had other activities where we got to do different things like: pep rallies, sportsfests, clubs, inter-level competitions, etc.  We were also exposed to the arts and outreach, that sparked awareness in different fields.    

4. The Faculty.  I must say, we had verrrrrry good and patient teachers.  I love how SSC managed to give us a set of teachers that were very well suited and qualified to the subjects they handled.  There are several unforgettable moments that I attribute to each teacher and I am very grateful to have had them because I truly learned a lot.  I must say, all of them had their own personalities and creative ways on how to catch (and keep) our attention while keeping us well-behaved during class.        

5. Subjects / Electives.  On top of the usual high school subjects, we also had some subjects that  developed those other skills...cooking, sewing, personal development, and typing.  Unforgettable moments were having a paper bag on our heads and the fashion show! haha!  On our junior and senior year we had electives that would prepare and help us figure out what we wanted to pursue in college: creative writing, journalism, anthropology, interior design, to name a few.  And though I didn't take interior design as an elective at that time, I shifted from wanting to be a dentist into a designer upon seeing what my other classmates were doing in this class.    

6. Canteen.  I can still taste and remember my favorite dish during lunchtime.  It was the beef stroganoff (?) slash steak cubes with rice.  It was so tender and tasty, and had some sauce poured over the rice then served on a paper plate.  Long lines trained me to eat this while walking and I'd almost be done chowing down the whole thing even before I sat down with my friends.

7. Classmates.  All students (except for the honors' class and REC) were shuffled every year.  This was a great opportunity to meet and get to know almost the entire batch.  We were seated alphabetically.  This meant I'd always be seated at the back where most of my very good and lasting friendships developed.  I love how I got to meet different personalities during my stay here.  If I were to classify Scholasticans, there will never be just one type.  There were the socialites, bookworms, introverts, extroverts, etc.  But one thing's for sure, we were all down to earth.    

8. HP.  No, not Hewlett Packard, but Harrison Plaza!  After school we'd go to HP for some snacks and shopping.  Getting those St. Michael's socks and powder were our staples.  Long before the age of selfies and IG, we were already hooked on getting our snapshots taken by Foto Me.  

9. Simbang Gabi.  The first night of the Simbang Gabi marked the beginning of our Christmas vacation.  The night before the simbang gabi, we'd go out (yes, gimmik), not sleep, then go straight to SSC to hear mass, have our Christmas party, then go home.  It was truly a wonderful start of the holiday season!    

10. Dance / Fair.  The High School Dance was something almost all of us looked forward to.  More than the dance itself, it was fun looking for the perfect dress...one that met the "standards".  Once found, some classmates would bring those dresses to school and play dress up.  I think this is something that will never happen now since it's so easy to snap a photo in the dressing room and send to your viber group or post on fb.  I also looooved the high school fair.  It was a time when SSC is open to the public = friends from other schools are welcome!  Oh so many kilig moments!!! ;)    

11. Tradition.  The initiation rite was something I am glad to have experienced during my stay in SSC.  This involves the Seniors and Freshmen, where the Senior is the master and the Freshman is the slave.  Though it may sound harsh, it's not.  Don't worry, it's nothing like college groups or organizations.  It's a rite of passage where the master orders the slave to do whatever they want within a one week period.  To me it simply felt like an ice breaker between the 2 batches since this will be the only year they share in high school together.  The last day is the most fun part where you'll see so much goofiness and craziness.  How I wish I had photos, super fun and funny!  The goofiest thing my master had me do was tie one side of my hair with a sock (that I was wearing) and follow her around while sweeping the floor behind her.  It wasn't embarrassing at all.  Why?  Because almost all of the slaves were doing something crazy or even crazier as well!  I even found out that my master was a distant relative.  You see, if not for that activity, I would never have met her at all!  The next one is the stone tables.  It is understood that Seniors get to reserve this for their barcada for the entire school year.  How?  First come, first served, first dibs.  This happens on the first day of school where each barcada chooses and reserves a specific stone table.  I even heard of some batch mates going to school as early as 4am on the first day of school to reserve their barcada's table ;)       

12. Well-rounded.  After all the things I mentioned above, one thing's  for sure, Scholasticans are well rounded individuals that can be thrown wherever or in whatever situation and manage to thrive and survive.  More than just education, we have been exposed and taught to so many different things in life that truly make us strong and independent women, open and aware to everything around us.  

In line with this, our batch is currently doing some fundraising events and merchandise to help in SSC's cause.  Take a look at our cute Bloo line of fragrances!  Your continued patronage and support are very well appreciated and welcome.  Do drop by our page from time to time to get updates.   


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